Chybiñski, Adolf (Eustachy)

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Chybiñski, Adolf (Eustachy)

Chybiñski, Adolf (Eustachy), eminent Polish musicologist; b. Kraków, April 29, 1880; d. Poznan, Oct. 31, 1952. After attending the Univ. of Kraków, he pursued musicological studies with Sandberger and Kroyer at the Univ. of Munich (Ph.D., 1908, with the diss. Beitrage zur Geschichte des Taktschlagens; pubi, in Kraków, 1912); he also studied composition privately with Thuille in Munich (1905–7) and completed his Habilitation at the Univ. of Lemberg in 1912 with his Teoria mensuralna w polskiej literaturze muzycznej pierwszej polowy XVI wieku (Mensural Theory in Polish Music Literature of the First Half of the 16th Century; pubi, in Kraków, 1912). He joined the faculty of the Univ. of Lemberg (later Lwów) in 1912, and was prof, of theory at the Lemberg (later Lwow) Cons, from 1916. In 1945 he became director of the musicological inst. at the Univ. of Poznan, a position he retained until his death. Chybiñski particularly distinguished himself as an authority on Polish music history. He ed. several Polish music journals and prepared a number of early Polish compositions for publication, including works by G.G. Gorczy-cki, Jan of Lublin, and M. Zielenski. His autobiography, W czasach Straussa i Tetmajera (In the Time of Strauss and Tetmajer), was pubi, posth. (Kraków, 1959). On his 50th birthday, he was honored with a Festschrift (Kraków, 1930), and again on his 70th birthday (Kraków, 1950).


“Tabulatura organowa Jana z Lublina” (The Organ Tablature of Jan of Lublin), Kwartalnik muzyczny, I (1911–13); “Przyczynki bio- i bibliograficzne do dawnej muzyki polskiej” (Bio- and Bibliographical Contributions to Early Polish Music), Przeglqd muzyczny, II, nos. 1, 4, and 5 (1926) and V, nos. 2 and 11 (1929); “Z dziejow muzyki polskiej do 1800 roku” (The History of Polish Music to 1800), Muzyka, IV/7-9 (1927); Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki. Cz. hZycie, dzialalnosc, dziela (A Study of His Life and Music; Poznan, 1928); “Stosunki muzy-czne Polski z Francja w XVI stuleciu” (Musical Relations between Poland and France in the 16th Century), Przeglqd muzyczny, IV, nos. 3 and 4 (1928; also pubi, separately, Poznan, 1928); Mieczyslaw Karlowicz (Warsaw, 1939; 2nd éd., aug., 1949); Slownik muzykow dawnej Polski do roku 1800 (A Dictionary of Early Polish Musicians to 1800; Kraków, 1949).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire