Pearson, Kit

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PEARSON, Kit. Canadian, b. 1947. Genres: Children's fiction, Mythology/ Folklore. Career: Has worked as a children's librarian, and reviewer and teacher of juvenile literature and writing for children. Publications: CHILDREN'S NOVELS: The Daring Game, 1986; A Handful of Time, 1987; The Sky Is Falling, 1989; Looking at the Moon, 1991; The Lights Go on Again, 1993; Awake and Dreaming, 1996; The Winds of War Are Blowing, 2002. OTHER: (reteller) The Singing Basket, 1991; (ed.) This Land: A Cross-Country Anthology of Canadian Fiction for Young Readers, 1998. Address: c/o Author Mail, Penguin Books, 10 Alcorn Ave., Toronto, ON, Canada M4V 1E4.

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Pearson, Kit

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