Baranczak, Stanislaw

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BARANCZAK, Stanislaw

BARANCZAK, Stanislaw. American (born Poland), b. 1946. Genres: Poetry, Politics/Government, Literary criticism and history, Translations. Career: Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, Institute of Polish Philology, assistant professor, 1969-77, associate professor of literature, 1980-81; Harvard University, associate professor of Slavic language and literature, 1981-84, Alfred Jurzykowski professor of Polish language and literature, 1984-, member of cultural advisory committee for the Alfred Jurzykowski Foundation, 1989-. Cofounder and member of human rights group KOR, 1976-81. Publications: POETRY: Korekta twarzy (title means: Proofreading of a Face), 1968; Jednym tchem (title means: In One Breath), 1970; Dziennik poranny: Wiersze 1967-1971 (title means: A Morning Diary: Poems 1967-1971), 1972; Ja wiem, ze to niesluszne: Wiersze z lat 1975-1976 (title means: I Know It's Improper: Poems from 1975-1976), 1977; Sztuczne oddychanie (title means: Artificial Respiration), 1978; Tryptyk z betonu, zmeczenia i sniegu (title means: A Tryptych of Concrete, Weariness, and Snow), 1980; Under My Own Roof: Verses for a New Apartment, trans by F. Kujawinski, 1980; Wiersze prawie zebrane (title means: The Almost Collected Poems), 1981; Atlantyda i inne wiersze z lat 1981-1985 (title means: Atlantis and Other Verses from 1981-1985), 1986; Widokowka z tego swiata i inne rymy z lat 1986-1988 (title means: A Postcard from This World and Other Rhymes from 1986-1988), 1988; The Weight of the Body: Selected Poems, trans by M.J. Krynski, R. Lourie, R.A. Maguire, and S. Baranczak, 1989; 159 wierszy: 1968-1988 (title means: 159 Poems: 1968-1988), 1990; Poezje wybrane (title means: Selected Verse), 1990; Zwierzeca zajadlosc: Z zapiskow zneicheconego zoologa (title means: Brute Beasts: Notes of a Disenchanted Zoologist), 1991; Biografioly: Poczet 56 jednostek slawnych, slawetnych, i ostawionych (title means: Biographollies: A Galaxy of 56 Famous, Notorious, and Illreputed Individuals), 1991; Zupelne zezwierzecenie (title means: Absolute Animals), 1993; Podroz zimowa (Winter Journey), 1994; Bog, Traba i Ojczyzna: Slon a sprawa polska oczami poetow od Reja do Rymkiewicza (title means: Patriotic Tusks: The Elephant versus the Polish Cause As Seen by Poets from the Dark Ages to Our Time), 1995; Zegam cie Nosorozcze: Kompletne bestiarium zniecheconego zoologa (title means: See You Later, Rhinoceros: Complete Bestiary of the Disenchanted Zoologist), 1995. ESSAYS & CRITICISM, EXCEPT WHERE NOTED: Nieufni i zadufani: Romantyzm i klascycyzm w mlodej poezji lat szescdziesiatych (title means: The Distrustful and the Overconfident: Romanticism and Classicism of Young Polish Poetry of the 1960s), 1971; Ironia i harmonia: Szkice o najnowszej literaturze polskiej (title means: Irony and Harmony: Essays on Modern Polish Literature), 1973; Jezyk poetycki Mirona Bialoszewskiego (title means: Miron Bialoszewski's Poetic Language), 1974; Etyka i poetyka: Szkice 1970-1978 (title means: Ethics and Poetics: Essays 1970-1978), 1979; Ksiazki najgorsze 1975-80 (title means: The Worst Books 1975-80), 1981, enlarged ed, 1990; Czytelnik ubezwlasnowolniony: Perswazja w masowej kulturze literackiej PRL (title means: The Incapacitated Reader: Persuasion in the Polish People's Republic's Mass Literary Culture), 1983; Uciekinier z Utopii: O poezji Zbigniewa Herberta, 1984, 2nd ed, 1994, trans as A Fugitive from Utopia: The Poetry of Zbigniew Herbert, 1987; Przed i po: Szkice o poezji krajowej przelo mu lat siedemdziesiatych i osiemdziesiatych (title means: Before and After: Essays on Polish Poetry of the Turn of the 1970s/1980s), 1988; Breathing under Water, and Other East European Essays, 1990; Tablica z Macondo: Osiem nascie prob wytlumaczenia, po co i dlaczego sie pisze (title means: The Macondo License Plate: Eighteen Ways of Trying to Explain the Reasons for Writing), 1990; Ocalone w tlumaczeniu (title means: Saved in Translation), 1992, 2nd ed, 1994; Zaufac nieufnosci: Osiem rozmow o sensie poezji 1990-1992 (interviews; title means: To Trust Distrustfulness), 1993; Pomyslane przepascie: Osien inter-pretacij (title means: The Thought of Precipices: Eight Interpretations), 1995. Contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals. EDITOR & TRANSLATOR: D. Thomas, Wiersze wybrane (title means: Selected Poems), 1974; O. Mandelshtam, Pozne wiersze (title means: The Late Poems), 1977; I. Brodskii, Wiersze i poematy (title means: Poems, Short and Long), 1979; G.M. Hopkins, Wybor poezji (title means: Selected Poems), 1981; Antologia angielskiej poezji metafizycznej XVII stulecia (title means: An Anthology of 17th-Century English Metaphysical Poetry), 1982, enlarged ed, 1991; J. Donne, Wiersze wybrane (title means: Selected Poems), 1984; (with R.A. Davies and J.M. Gogol) R. Krynicki, Citizen R.K. Does Not Live: Poems, 1985; T. Venclova, Rozmowa w zimie: Wybor wierszy (title means: The Winter Talk: Selected Poems), 1989; G. Herbert, Wiersze wybrane (title means: Selected Poems), 1990; J. Merrill, Wybor poezji (title means: Selected Poems), 1990; Zwierze slucha zwierzen: Male bestiarium z angielskiego (title means: The Animal Confessors: A Little English and American Bestiary), 1991; Z Toba wiec ze Wszystkim: 222 arcydziela angielskiej i amerykanskiej liryki religijnej (title means: With Thee, Therefore with All: 222 Masterpieces of English and American Religious Verse), 1992; (with C. Cavanagh) Polish Poetry of the Last Two Decades of Communist Rule: Spoiling Cannibals' Fun, 1991; C. Simic, Madonny z dorysowana szpicbrodka oraz inne wiersze, prozy poetyckie ie eseje (title means: Madonnas Touched up with a Goatee, and Other Poems, Prose Poems, and Essays), 1992; Milosc jest wszystkim, co istnieje: 300 najslawniejszych angielskich i amerykanskich wierszy milosnych (title means: That Love Is All There Is: 300 Most Famous English and American Love Poems), 1993; Fioletowa krowa: 333 najslawniejsze okazy angielskiej i amerykanskiej poezji niepowaznej od Williama Shakespeare'a do Johna Lennona (title means: The Purple Cow: 333 Most Famous Specimens of English and American Light Verse from William Shakespeare to John Lennon), 1993; Od Chaucera do Larkina: 400 niesmiertelnych wieszy 125 poetow anglojezycznych z 8 stuleci (title means: From Chaucer to Larkin: 400 Immortal Poems of 125 Poets of the English Language from 8 Centuries), 1993; (with Cavanagh) W. Szymborska, View with a Grain of Sand: Selected Poems, 1995; (with Cavanagh) 77 Translations, 1995. Translator of works into Polish by: A.A. Milne, e.e. cummings, U.K. Le Guin, Brodskii, W. Shakespeare, E. Dickinson, P. Larkin, R. Herrick, R. Frost, A. Marvel, T. Hardy, W.H. Auden, S. Heaney, T. Campion, T.S. Eliot, E. Bishop, J. Kochanowski. Editor of untranslated works by: W. Weintraub. Address: Harvard University, 313 Boylston Hall, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.