Zagorka (1873–1957)

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Zagorka (1873–1957)

Croatian author. Name variations: Maria Juricć Maria Juric; Marija Juric. Born in 1873; died in 1957; married a wealthy Hungarian, whom she abandoned three years later.

Zagorka was the pen name of Croatian writer Maria Jurić, who was born in 1873. Her forced marriage to a wealthy Hungarian lasted a mere three years, when she ran away to work for a newspaper. As Croatia's first political journalist, Zagorka expressed her intellectual and feminist ideas, which made her the target of attack in southeastern Europe, a region with virtually no evidence of feminist expression at the time. Zagorka demonstrated her versatility as a writer by also penning adventure novels and dramas. Although she was largely ignored by literary critics in her day, societal changes since her death have led to a reexamination of her work.


Buck, Claire, ed. The Bloomsbury Guide to Women's Literature. NY: Prentice Hall, 1992.

Sonya Elaine Schryer , freelance writer, Lansing, Michigan