Juliana of Nicomedia (d. about 305)

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Juliana of Nicomedia (d. about 305)

Saint. Died around 305; daughter of Africanus.

Legend surrounds the story of Juliana of Nicomedia. Supposedly, her father Africanus betrothed her to a young noble named Evilase (Evilatius). Juliana, it is said, informed her intended that she would not marry him until he became prefect of Nicomedia. He did so. She then reneged, demanding that he become a Christian before their marriage. Evilase refused. Africanus inflicted "every kind of ill treatment" on his daughter before he gave up and handed her over to Evilase. After subjecting her to torture, including casting her into a furnace only to have the fire go out, Evilase had her beheaded. In all this, the only certainty is that Juliana was put to death for her faith under the rule of either Maximian or Galerius in 305. Her feast day is February 16.

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