Gebara, Ivone (1944–)

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Gebara, Ivone (1944–)

Brazilian theologian, author and educator. Born Dec 9, 1944, in São Paulo, Brazil; Pontifícia Catholic University of São Paulo, doctorate in philosophy (1975); Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, doctorate in religious sciences (1998).

Feminist theologian and ecofeminist whose work addresses questions of social inequality for women and poor in Latin America, joined Augustinian Congregation of Sisters of Our Lady (1967); influenced by liberation theology and affected by growing strength of conservative forces in Catholic Church as progressive trends weakened; became active teacher and researcher, teaching philosophy and theology for 17 years at Theological Institute of Recife until its closing (1989); worked for 12 years at Department of Research and Assistance, which specialized in theological training of alternative, grassroots ministries; lives and works (since 1973) in lower-income community in northeastern Brazil, providing assistance to poor while continuing scholarly and activist work; believes that church must address social justice and ecology; presents practical guidelines for antiracist, antisexist, antielitist ecofeminist struggle; has taught, consulted and lectured worldwide and on Brazilian radio. Writings include Teologia a ritmo de mulher (Theology for Women, 1995), Teologia ecofeminista: Ensaio para repensar o conhecimento e a religião (Ecofeminist Theology: Rethinking Knowledge and Religion, 1997), Le mal au féminin: Réflexions théologiques à partir du féminisme (The Female Evil: Theological Reflections Based on Feminism, 1999) and Longing for Running Waters (1999).