Baly, Monica E. (1914–1998)

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Baly, Monica E. (1914–1998)

English nurse historian. Born May 24, 1914, in England; died Nov 12, 1998; Open University, BA, 1979; London University, PhD, 1983.

Qualified as nurse (1938); worked for Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service in Middle East and Italy (WWII); became chief nursing officer at Royal College of Nursing (RCN, 1949); represented nurses as area officer for RCN for 24 years (1952–76); worked successfully for nurses' pay raise (1972); lectured in history of nursing and social policy; founded RCN History of Nursing Society and became known as a leading nurse historian; after retirement (1974), published Florence Nightingale and the Nursing Legacy (1986); also wrote Nursing and Social Change (1973).