Tocquet, Robert (1898-?)

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Tocquet, Robert (1898-?)

Professor of chemistry who published books on parapsychology and the occult. He was born on June 5, 1898, in Saint-Oulph (Aube), France. He taught at the Ecole des Travaux Publics and the Ecole d'Anthropologie de Paris. In addition to his many books on chemistry and science, he published Encyclopédie pour la Jeunesse, a five volume encyclopedia for young people.

Tocquet had a strong interest in psychology and was a member of the board of the Institut Métapsychique International. He authored a number of articles and several books on occult topics. His titles include: Les Calculateurs prodiges et leurs secrets (The Magic of Numbers, 1957), La Médecine se tait (When Medicine is Silent, 1954), Phénomès de mediumnité (Phenomena of Mediumship), Les Pouvoirs secrets de l'Homme (The Secret Powers of Man, 1963), and Tout l'Occultisme dévoilé (Secrets of the Occult Revealed, 1952.)