Watt, AlexanderStuart

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Watt, AlexanderStuart (1892–1985)The Scottish plant ecologist who discovered the cyclical pattern in changes in plant communities (see building phase; degenerate phase; hollow phase; mature phase; and pioneer phase) developed from his extensive studies of the Chiltern beechwoods and the brecklands of East Anglia. Watt was born at Monquhittar, Aberdeenshire and graduated from Aberdeen University in 1913 with a degree in agriculture. He worked with Sir ArthurTansley at Cambridge in 1914, returning to Aberdeen University in 1915 as a lecturer in forest botany and forest zoology. After war service he returned to Cambridge in 1919 to complete his studies for the BA degree and resumed his lectureship at Aberdeen. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of London in 1957 and a Fellow of the Linnean Society in 1975, and held visiting professorships at the Universities of Colorado (1963) and Khartoum (1965).

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