tidal flat

views updated May 21 2018

tidal flat An area of intertidal sand flat, mud flat, and marsh developed in some lagoons in mesotidal areas, and in protected bays and estuarine areas along macrotidal coasts. Extensive tidal flats occur in the Wash (eastern England), Waddenzee (Netherlands), and along the German coast of the North Sea. Tidal flats also occur in warmer climates, as in the Persian Gulf, where carbonate and evaporite deposits develop. In tropical areas tidal flats tend to be colonized by mangrove swamps.

tidal flat

views updated May 08 2018

tidal flat An intertidal sandflat, mudflat, and marsh area developed in some lagoons in mesotidal areas, and in protected bays and estuarine areas along macrotidal coasts. Extensive tidal flats occur in the Wash (eastern England), Wadden Zee (Holland), and along the North-Sea German coast. Tidal flats also occur in warmer climates, as in the Persian Gulf, where carbonate and evaporite deposits develop. In tropical areas tidal flats tend to be colonized by mangrove swamps.

tidal flat

views updated May 18 2018

tidal flat An area of intertidal sand flat, mud flat, and marsh developed in some lagoons in mesotidal areas, and in protected bays and estuarine areas along macrotidal coasts. Extensive tidal flats occur in the Wash (eastern England), Waddenzee (Netherlands), and along the German coast of the North Sea. Tidal flats also occur in warmer climates, as in the Persian Gulf, where carbonate and evaporite deposits develop. In tropical areas tidal flats tend to be colonized by mangrove swamps.