agglomerative method

views updated Jun 27 2018

agglomerative method A system of hierarchical classification that proceeds by grouping together the most similar individuals, and subsequently groups into progressively larger and more heterogeneous units. At each stage the groups or individuals linked are those giving the minimum increase in group heterogeneity.

agglomerative method

views updated May 18 2018

agglomerative method A system of hierarchical classification that proceeds by grouping together the most similar individuals, and subsequently groups into progressively larger and more heterogeneous units. At each stage the groups or individuals linked are those giving the minimum increase in group heterogeneity.

agglomerative method

views updated May 18 2018

agglomerative method System of hierarchical classification that proceeds by grouping together the most similar individuals, and subsequently groups, into progressively larger and more heterogeneous units. At each stage the groups or individuals linked are those giving the least increase in group heterogeneity.