Tolkowsky, Shemuel

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TOLKOWSKY, SHEMUEL (1886–1965), agronomist and Israel diplomat. Born in Antwerp, Belgium, Tolkowsky settled in Ereẓ Israel in 1911. In 1916–18 he served under Chaim *Weizmann in London as member of the Zionist Political Committee, which negotiated the *Balfour Declaration, and was an advisor on political matters. In 1918–19 he was the secretary of the Zionist delegation in the Versailles Peace Conference. Tolkowsky was active in various economic and public fields in Tel Aviv. In 1949–56 he was consul general and later minister of Israel in Berne, Switzerland. His books include The Gateway to PalestineHistory of Jaffa (1924); Hesperides, A History of the Culture and Use of Citrus Fruits (1938); and They Look to the Sea (1964). His son dan (1921– ), born in Tel Aviv, was a mechanical engineer, and served in the British Royal Air Force as a flight lieutenant during World War ii. From 1948 he served in the Israel air force and from 1953 until 1958 was its commander, attaining the rank of alluf.

[Benjamin Jaffe]