John of Rodington

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Franciscan scholastic; b. Rodington (Rodendon, Rodin, etc.) on the river Roden, c. 1290; d. Bedford, 1348? He may have entered the Friars Minor at Stamford, and he is listed as the fifty-sixth lector of the order at Oxford, where he had become master of theology; his regency probably dates between c. 1325 and 1328. There is some indication that he also taught at Paris [Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters (Münster 1891) supplement 3.2:1158], and it is known that he visited Basel in July of 1340. Sometime thereafter he became the ninteenth minister provincial of the English Franciscans. It is affirmed without great evidence that he died in 1348, a victim of the Black Death; one list states he is buried at Bedford. Besides his Sentences he left a quodlibet "On Conscience," and may also have written one "On Faith." According to some, he was a follower of duns scotus; yet in the question published by B. Nardi (from In 1 sent. 3.3), John upholds the earlier, Augustinian position on divine illumina tion. Despite its title, "On Conscience" considers the whole basis of the moral life, citing augustine as the primary authority, together with richard of saint-victor and St. anselm of canterbury. John opposes, rather than accepts, william of ockham. (see augustinianism; scotism.)

Bibliography: e. gilson, History of Christian Philosophy 76263. j. lechner, "Die Quästionen des Sentenzenkommentars des Johannes von Rodington, O. F. M.," Franziskanische Studien, 22 (1935) 232248; "Kleine Beiträge zur Geschichte des englischen Franziskaner-Schrifttums im Mittelalter," Philosophisches Jahrbuch der Görres-Gesellschaft, 53.3 (1940) 375. b. nardi, Soggetto e oggetto del conoscere nella filosofia antica e medievale (2d ed. Rome 1952) 7092. a. b. emden, A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to A.D. 1500, 3 v. (Oxford 195759) 3:158384.

[i. c. brady]