Hugh of Die

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Gregorian reformer, archbishop; called also Hugh of Romans; b. c. 1040; d. Susa, Italy, October 1106. He was ordained and served as precentor of the Cathedral of Lyons. He was consecrated bishop of Die in 1074 and was translated to the archbishopric of Lyons in 108283. From 1075 to 1087 he was papal legate in France and, in addition, from 108283 he was primate of the French Church. A stern and uncompromising advocate of Pope gregory vii's Church reforms, Hugh battled successfully with both the French hierarchy and the French monarchy to secure the objectives of the reform in France (see investiture struggle). After Gregory VII's death, Hugh criticized his successor, Pope victor iii, for compromising the principles of the gregorian reform. As a result, Hugh was excommunicated at the Council of Benevento (Aug. 29, 1087). He was soon reconciled, however, and in 1094 Pope urban ii restored him to the post of papal legate. In 109596 Hugh accompanied Urban on his tour through France. As a leading advocate of monastic reform, Hugh was an early patron and supporter of the cistercians, and became that order's first protector. In 1100 Hugh went on crusade to the Holy Land.

Bibliography: Sources. hugh of die, Epistolae et privilegia, m. bouquet, Recueil de historiens des Gaules et de la France (Rerum gallicarum et francicarum scriptores), 24 v. (Paris 17381904) 14:776797; Patrologia Latina 157:507528. hugh of flavigny, Chronicon, Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Scriptores (Berlin 1826) 8:280503. Literature. f. liebermann, "Anselm von Canterbury und Hugo von Lyon," Historische Aufsätze dem Andenken an Georg Waitz gewidmet (Hanover 1886) 156203. abbÉ rony, "Hugues de Romans: Légat pontifical," Revue des questions historiques 107 (1927) 287303; "La Politique française de Grégoire VII: Conflit entre le pape et son légat," ibid. 109 (1928) 534; "La Légation d'Hugues sous le pontificat d'Urbain II," ibid. 112 (1930) 124147; "Élection de Victor III: Conflit entre le nouveau pape et Hugues ," Revue d'histoire de l'Église de France 14 (1928) 145160. t. schieffer, Die päpstlichen Legaten in Frankreich vom Vertrage von Meersen (870) bis zum Schisma von 1130 (Berlin 1935). a. fliche and v. martin eds., Histoire de l'église depuis les origines jusqu'à nos jours (Paris 1935) v.8.

[j. a. brundage]

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