Ghillany, Friedrich Wilhelm°

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GHILLANY, FRIEDRICH WILHELM ° (1807–1876), German theologian. A municipal librarian in Nuremberg, Ghillany wrote on various historical subjects but he was chiefly concerned with religious questions, and adopted the teachings of G.F. Daumer (1800–1875), a deist in search of "true religion." Following the Damascus blood libel, Ghillany wrote Die Menschenopfer der alten Hebraeer (Nuremberg, 1842), in which he accused the Jews of "cannibalism" and "molochism" in both ancient and modern times and of the ritual murder of Jesus. He gave further expression to his antisemitism in Die Judenfrage; eine Beigabe zu Bruno Bauer's Abhandlung ueber diesen Gegenstand (ibid., 1843), and Das Judenthum und die Kritik (ibid., 1844). Both Daumer and Ghillany were praised by Nazi propagandists.


L. Poliakov, Histoire de l'antisémitisme, 3 (1968), 425–6; R.W. Stock, Die Judenfrage durch fuenf Jahrhunderte (1939), 391–427; V. Eichstaedt, Bibliographie zur Geschichte der Judenfrage 1750–1848 (1938), index; M. Loewengard, Jehowa, nicht Moloch, war der Gott der alten Hebraeer… (1843).