Blake, Alexander, Bl.

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Lay martyr; d. March 4, 1590, hanged at Gray's Inn Lane, London, England. He was arrested, sentenced, and died with Bl. Nicholas horner for having harbored Fr. Christopher bales. All three were beatified by Pope John Paul II on Nov. 22, 1987 with George Haydock and Companions.

Feast of the English Martyrs: May 4 (England).

See Also: england, scotland, and wales, martyrs of.

Bibliography: r. challoner, Memoirs of Missionary Priests, ed. j. h. pollen (rev. ed. London 1924). j. h. pollen, Acts of English Martyrs (London 1891). d. de yepes, Historia Particular de la persecución de Inglaterra (Madrid 1599).

[k. i. rabenstein]