Andrade, Velosino Jacob de

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ANDRADE, VELOSINO JACOB DE (1639–1712), physician and philosophical author. Andrade was born in Pernambuco, Brazil, then under Dutch rule, the son of Portuguese parents who fled there when the Inquisition persecuted *Marranos. After the Portuguese recapture of Pernambuco in 1654, Andrade went to Holland where he first settled in The Hague and subsequently in Antwerp. In both places he devoted himself to the practice of medicine. After the death of *Spinoza in 1677, Andrade wrote a polemical work entitled Theologo religioso contra o Theologo Politico de Bento de Espinosa que de Judeo sefez Atheista directed against the latter's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus. A manuscript of Andrade's work may still be extant. It may be assumed that he joined the circle of S.L. *Morteira, who had participated in Spinoza's excommunication, and that his work reflects the views of that group.

Andrade also composed a six-volume work entitled Messias restaurado: contra el libro de M. Jaquelot… intitulado Dissertaciones sobre el Messias. This presents the Jewish view concerning the Messiah and is directed against a book in which Isaac Jaquelot, a minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, tried to substantiate Jesus' messianic claims from passages in Hebrew Scripture. Andrade translated Morteira's Torat Moshe from Hebrew into Portuguese under the title Epitome de la verdad de la Ley de Moyses.


A. Kohut, in: ajhsp, 3 (1895), 108–9; M. Kayserling, Geschichte der Juden in Portugal (1867), 296; Kayserling, Bibl. 12–13; idem, in: hb, 3 (1860), 58–59.

[Joseph Elijah Heller]

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Andrade, Velosino Jacob de

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