Anaṇḍpur (Sāhib)

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Anaṇḍpur (Sāhib) (Pañjābī, ‘(respected) city of bliss’), Sikh holy place, in NE Pañjāb. Gurū Tegh Bahādur founded Anaṇḍpur in 1664, and it was here that in 1675 his son Gobind received his severed head. This was cremated where Gurdwārā Śīś Gañj now stands. For Holā Mahallā, thousands flock to Anaṇḍpur and witness the Nihaṅgs' sword play in what is now an impressive Sikh centre. In 1972, the Akālī Dal met at Anaṇḍpur and drew up the Anaṇḍpur Sāhib Resolution, which summarized Sikh aspirations for the designation of an enlarged Pañjāb as a Sikh homeland.

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