blood plasma

views updated May 23 2018

blood plasma The almost colourless fluid that remains when all corpuscles have been removed from blood (present as a suspension after centrifugation of whole blood). It contains the protein fibrinogen, which is acted upon by the enzyme thrombin to cause blood clotting; and antibodies responsible for immune reactions on combining with antigens.

blood plasma

views updated May 18 2018

blood plasma The liquid component of blood, accounting for about half the total volume of the blood. Plasma is a solution of nutrients and various proteins, mainly albumin and various globulins, including the immunoglobulins which are responsible for much of the body's defence against infection, and some adverse reactions to foods. When blood has clotted (see blood clotting), the resultant fluid is known as serum. See also lipids, plasma.

blood plasma

views updated May 14 2018

blood plasma The liquid part of the blood (i.e. excluding blood cells). It consists of water containing a large number of dissolved substances, including proteins, salts (especially sodium and potassium chlorides and bicarbonates), food materials (glucose, amino acids, fats), hormones, vitamins, and excretory materials. See also blood serum; lymph.

plasma, blood

views updated May 29 2018

plasma, blood See blood plasma.

blood plasma

views updated May 18 2018

blood plasma n. see plasma.

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