
views updated May 23 2018

bust1 / bəst/ • n. 1. a woman's chest as measured around her breasts: a 36-inch bust. ∎  a woman's breasts, esp. considered in terms of their size: selecting clothes that would minimize her large bust.2. a sculpture of a person's head, shoulders, and chest.bust2 inf. • v. (past and past part. bust·ed or bust) [tr.] 1. break, split, or burst (something): they bust the tunnel wide open. ∎  [intr.] come apart or split open. ∎  cause to collapse; defeat utterly: he promised to bust the mafia. ∎  (bust something up) cause (something) to break up: men hired to bust up union rallies. ∎  strike violently: they wanted to bust me on the mouth. ∎  [intr.] (bust out) break out; escape: she busted out of prison. ∎  [intr.] (in blackjack and similar card games) exceed the score of 21, losing one's stake.2. raid or search (premises where illegal activity is suspected): their house got busted. ∎  arrest: he was busted for drugs. ∎  reduce (a soldier) to a lower rank; demote: he was busted to private.• n. 1. a period of economic difficulty or depression: the boom was followed by the present bust.2. a police raid: a drug bust.3. a worthless thing: as a show it was a bust. • adj. bankrupt: firms will go bust.


views updated May 29 2018

bust2 vulgar and dial. pronunc. of BURST. XVIII.


views updated Jun 27 2018

bust1 sculpture representing head, shoulders, and breast XVII; female bosom XVIII. — F. buste — It. busto; the Rom. word is of unkn. orig.