Serdán, Aquiles (1876–1910)

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Serdán, Aquiles (1876–1910)

Aquiles Serdán Alatriste, an early agitator in the Mexican Revolution, was born in Puebla on November 2, 1876. His father was Manuel Serdán Guanes, founder of the Mexican Socialist Party and co-author of Ley del Pueblo (The People's Law), and his grandfather was Miguel Cástulo Alatriste, governor of Puebla, an attorney, and a distinguished military man. Both father and grandfather were liberals and fought the invading French army in 1862.

Beginning in mid-1909 Serdán, a follower of the revolutionary Francisco I. Madero, actively opposed the reelection of Porfirio Díaz. He enlisted large contingents of workers, peasants, and students for the cause; because of these activities he was persecuted and held for a time in prison. When Madero was captured and Díaz consequently reelected, the opposition called for revolution. Serdán participated by directing preparations in his native state. He prepared a plan of attack and obtained an arsenal but was discovered; he died on November 19, 1910, defending his center of operations. Serdán was one of the first victims of the revolutionary cause.

See alsoDíaz, Porfirio; Madero, Francisco Indalecio; Mexico, Wars and Revolutions: Mexican Revolution.


Frías Olvera, Manuel. Aquiles de México. Mexico: Biblioteca del Instituto Nacional de Estudios Históricos de la Revolución Mexicana, 1978

Gilly, Adolfo. The Mexican Revolution, expanded and rev. edition, trans. Patrick Camiller. New York: New Press, 2005.

                                  Laura Rojas HernÁndez