Ianni, Octavio (1926–2004)

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Ianni, Octavio (1926–2004)

Octavio Ianni (b. 13 October 1926; d. 2004), Brazilian sociologist. Ianni, a native of Itu, São Paulo, taught at the university of São Paulo. In 1950 he worked with Florestan Fernandes and Fernando Henrique Cardoso, doing research on race relations sponsored by UNESCO. After teaching in the United States (1967), England (1969), and Mexico (1968–1973), Ianni returned to Brazil in 1977. He then taught at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo and the State University of Campinas.

Ianni's writings include Estado e capitalismo no Brasil (1965), Raças e classes sociais no Brasil (1966), Sociologia da sociologia latino-americana (1971), Sociologia e sociedade no Brasil (1975), Escravidão e racismo (1978), O ABC da classe operária (1980), A ditadura do grande capital (1981), and Origens agrárias do estado brasileiro (1984). His final publication was A sociedade global in 1992. He died of cancer in São Paulo in April, 2004.

See alsoSociology .


Thomas E. Skidmore, Politics in Brazil, 1930–1964; An Experiment in Democracy (1968).

John Kenneth Galbraith, The New Industrial State (1967).

Additional Bibliography

Faleiros, Maria Isabel Leme, and Regina Aída Crespo. Humanismo e compromisso: Ensaios sobre Octávio Ianni. São Paulo, SP: Editora Unesp, Fundação, 1996.

Lima, Marcos Costa, Filho Zaidan, et al. A sociología crítica de Octavio Ianni: Uma homenagem. Recife: Editora Universitaria, 2005.

                         Eliana Maria Rea Goldschmidt