Alberro, Francisco de

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Alberro, Francisco de

Francisco de Alberro, governor and commander in chief of the province of Venezuela (1677–1682). Alberro was appointed to both posts by the royal decree of 11 August 1675 after he gave 28,000 pesos to meet the needs of the monarchy. This marked the beginning of a series of appointments that were made in exchange for monetary gifts to help meet the colonial administration's economic needs. While in office he enforced the royal decree abolishing the use of Indians as personal servants. He also promoted wall-building and fortification projects in the cities of La Guaira and Caracas, both undertaken simultaneously after the French pirate François Grammont's attack on the port of La Guaira in June 1680.

At the end of Alberro's term, his successor, Diego de Melo Maldonado, convoked a trial of residence, as was the custom. In voluminous records Alberro is accused of abuse of power, illegal money collecting, unwarranted seizures, and carelessness and negligence in the performance of his duties.


On colonial administration, see José Gil Fortoul, Historia constitutional de Venezuela, vol. 1, 4 (1954), and Guillermo Morón, Historia de Venezuela, vol. 1 (1971).

Additional Bibliography

Rosas González, Otilia. El tributo indígena en la provincia de Venezuela. Caracas: Historiadores, S.C., 1998.

                                         InÉs Quintero

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