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twitch / twich/ • v. 1. give or cause to give a short, sudden jerking or convulsive movement: [intr.] he saw her lips twitch and her eyelids flutter | [tr.] the dog twitched his ears. ∎  [tr.] cause to move in a specified direction by giving a sharp pull: he twitched a cigarette out of a packet.2. [tr.] apply a sudden pull or jerk to (a horse).• n. 1. a short, sudden jerking or convulsive movement: his mouth gave a slight twitch. ∎  a sudden pull or jerk: he gave a twitch at his mustache. ∎  a sudden sharp sensation; a pang: he felt a twitch of annoyance.2. a stick with a small noose attached to one end. The noose may be twisted around the upper lip or the ear of a horse to subdue it, esp. during veterinary procedures.

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