
views updated May 23 2018

pinch / pinch/ • v. [tr.] 1. grip (the skin of someone's body) tightly and sharply between finger and thumb. ∎  grip the skin of a part of the body of (someone) in such a way: Rosa pinched her hard. ∎  (of a shoe) hurt (a foot) by being too tight. ∎  compress (the lips), esp. with worry or tension: Aunt Rose pinched her thin lips together. ∎  remove (a bud, leaves, etc.) to encourage bushy growth.2. [intr.] live in a frugal way: if I pinch and scrape, I might manage.3. inf. arrest (someone): I was pinched for speeding. ∎ inf. steal: he pinched a handful of candies.4. Sailing sail (a boat) so close to the wind that the sails begin to lose power.• n. 1. an act of gripping the skin of someone's body between finger and thumb: he gave her a gentle pinch. ∎  an amount of an ingredient that can be held between fingers and thumb: add a pinch of salt.2. inf. an arrest. ∎  an act of theft or plagiarism.PHRASES: in a pinch in a critical situation; if absolutely necessary.feel the pinch experience hardship, esp. financial.pinch (one's) penniessee penny.DERIVATIVES: pinch·er n.


views updated May 23 2018

pinch compress between the tips of finger and thumb, the teeth, etc. XIV; nip as with cold; stint, restrict XVI. — AN., ONF. *pinchier, var. of OF. pincier (mod. pincer):- Rom. *pīnctiāre, alt. of *punctiāre (see PUNCHEON1) by assoc. with *pīk- PICK2.


views updated May 21 2018


a very small quantity.

Examples : pinch of pleasure, 1583; of salt; of snuff, 1712; of fresh tea, 1840.

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