
views updated May 23 2018

moun·te·bank / ˈmountiˌbangk/ • n. a person who deceives others, esp. in order to trick them out of their money; a charlatan. ∎ hist. a person who sold patent medicines in public places.DERIVATIVES: moun·te·bank·er·y / -ˌbangkərē/ n.


views updated May 11 2018

mountebank a person who deceives others, especially in order to trick them out of their money; a charlatan; a person who sold patent medicines in public places.

Recorded from the late 16th century, the word comes from Italian montambanco, from the imperative phrase monta in banco! ‘climb on the bench!’, with allusion to the raised platform used to attract an audience.


views updated May 21 2018

mountebank itinerant quack, juggler, etc., appearing on a platform; charlatan. XVI. — It. montambanco, montimbanco, for monta in banco ‘mount (imper.) on bench’.