
views updated May 23 2018

in·ter·me·di·ate / ˌintərˈmēdē-it/ • adj. coming between two things in time, place, order, character, etc.: an intermediate stage of development a cooled liquid intermediate between liquid and solid. ∎  having more than a basic knowledge or level of skill but not yet advanced: intermediate skiers. ∎  suitable for people of such a level: an intermediate course.• n. an intermediate thing. ∎  a person at an intermediate level of knowledge or skill. ∎  a chemical compound formed by one reaction and then taking part in another, esp. during synthesis.• v. [intr.] act as intermediary; mediate: the theory said that by intermediating between buyers and sellers, middlemen lower the costs of transactions.DERIVATIVES: in·ter·me·di·a·cy / -əsē/·ter·me·di·ate·ly·ter·me·di·ate·ness·ter·me·di·a·tion / -ˌmēdēˈāshən/·ter·me·di·a·tor / -ˌātər/ n.


views updated Jun 08 2018

intermediate XVII. — medL. intermediātus, f. L. intermedius, f. INTER- + medius MID; see -ATE2.
So intermediary XVIII.