
views updated Jun 11 2018

365. Inducement

  1. Electra incited brother, Orestes, to kill their mother and her lover. [Gk. Myth.: Zimmerman, 92; Gk. Lit.: Electra, Orestes ]
  2. Hezekiah exhorts Judah to stand fast against Assyrians. [O.T.: II Chronicles 32:68]
  3. Lantier, Etienne exhorts fellow miners to massive strike. [Fr. Lit.: Germinal ]
  4. Mannon, Lavinia 20th-century Electra in New England. [Am. Lit.: Mourning Becomes Electra ]
  5. Salome beguilingly prompts decapitation of John the Baptist. [N.T.: Mark 6:2228]
  6. Tricoteuses sobriquet of battle-exhorting women at French Convention. [Fr. Hist.: Brewer Dictionary, 1100]
  7. Tyrtaeus (fl. 7th century B.C.) elegist; roused Spartans to Messenian triumph. [Gk. Hist.: Brewer Dictionary, 1111]


views updated May 23 2018

in·duce·ment / inˈd(y)oōsmənt/ • n. a thing that persuades or influences someone to do something: companies were prepared to build only in return for massive inducements | there is no inducement to wait for payment. ∎  a bribe. ∎ Law introductory statements in a pleading explaining the matter in dispute.


views updated May 23 2018


An advantage or benefit that precipitates a particular action on the part of an individual.

In the law of contracts, the inducement is a pledge or promise that causes an individual to enter into a particular agreement. An inducement to purchase is something that encourages an individual to buy a particular item, such as the promise of a price reduction. Consideration is the inducement to a contract.

In criminal law, the term inducement is the motive, or that which leads an individual to engage in criminal conduct.