
views updated Jun 11 2018

dine / dīn/ • v. [intr.] eat dinner: we dined at a restaurant | [as n.] (dining) a dining area. ∎  (dine out) eat dinner in a restaurant or the home of friends. ∎  (dine on) eat (something) for dinner. ∎  (dine out on) regularly entertain friends with (a humorous story or interesting piece of information): it should have been one of those stories one dines out on afterward. ∎  [tr.] take (someone) to dinner: I'll dine you soon.PHRASES: wine and dine see wine.


views updated May 29 2018

dine XIII. — (O)F. diner, earlier disner :- Rom. *disjūnāre, for *disjējūnāre break one's fast, f. DIS- 2 + jējūnium fast.