
views updated May 09 2018

be·hind / biˈhīnd/ • prep. 1. at or to the far side of (something), typically so as to be hidden by it: ∎  expressing location: the recording machinery was kept behind screens. ∎ fig. hidden from the observer: the agony behind his decision to retire. ∎  expressing movement: Jannie instinctively hid her cigarette behind her back. ∎  at the back of (someone), after they have passed through a door: she ran out of the room, slamming the door behind her.2. in a line or procession, following or further back than (another member of the line or procession): stuck behind a slow-moving tractor.3. in support of or giving guidance to (someone else): whatever you decide to do, I'll be behind you the power behind the throne. ∎  guiding, controlling, or responsible for (an event or plan): the chances were that he was behind the death of the girl.4. after the departure or death of (the person referred to): he left behind him a manuscript that was subsequently published.5. less advanced than (someone else) in achievement or development: the government admitted it is ten years behind the West in PC technology.6. having a lower score than (another competitor): Woodnam moved to ten under par, five shots behind Fred Couples.• adv. 1. at or to the far side or the back side of something: as I looked behind, my feet crashed into a basket.2. in a place or time already past: the adventure lay behind them.3. remaining after someone or something is gone: blocks of ice left behind by a retreating glacier don't leave me behind.4. further back than other members of a group: Bill led the way, with the others a short distance behind.5. (in a game or contest) having a score lower than that of the opposition: polls showed him as much as 50 points behind.6. slow or late in accomplishing a task: getting behind with my work. ∎  in arrears: she was behind with her rent.7. underlying or motivating: behind his winning facade lurks uncertainty.• adj. following; lagging: the team behind could accept a loss.• n. inf. the buttocks: sitting on her behind.


views updated May 23 2018

behind OE. behindan = OS. bihindan, f. BE- + hindan (see HIND3).
Hence behindhand XVI; after BEFOREHAND.

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