
views updated Jun 11 2018

an·te / ˈantē/ • n. a stake put up by a player in poker and similar games before receiving cards.• v. (-tes, -ted, -te·ing) [tr.] (ante something up) put up an amount as an ante in poker and similar games. ∎ inf. pay an amount of money in advance: he anted up $925,000 of his own money. ∎  [intr.] (ante up) inf. put up one's money; pay up: the owners have to ante up if they want to attract the best talent.PHRASES: up (or raise) the ante increase what is at stake or under discussion, esp. in a conflict or dispute: he decided to up the ante in the trade war.


views updated May 29 2018


[Latin, Before.] A reference to a previous portion of a report or textbook.

Ante is synonymous with supra.


views updated May 11 2018

ante (in poker) stake put up by the player before drawing new cards. XIX. — L. ante before (see next).