
views updated May 21 2018

sur·round / səˈround/ • v. [tr.] (usu. be surrounded) be all around (someone or something): the hotel is surrounded by its own gardens| fig. he loves to surround himself with family and friends | [as adj.] (surrounding) the surrounding countryside. ∎  (of troops, police, etc.) encircle (someone or something) so as to cut off communication or escape: troops surrounded the parliament building. ∎  be associated with: the killings were surrounded by controversy.• n. a thing that forms a border or edging around an object: an oak fireplace surround. ∎  (usu. surrounds) the area encircling something; surroundings: the beautiful surrounds of Moosehead Lake.


views updated May 17 2018

A. overflow XV;
B. encompass, go round XVII. — AN. sur(o)under, OF. s(o)uronder overflow, abound, dominate :- late L. superundāre overflow (fig.), f. SUPER- + undāre rise in waves, f. unda wave.


views updated May 21 2018

surround. Frame of an architectural feature, such as an architrave around an aperture or a chimney-piece in front of a fireplace.