
views updated May 29 2018

batch / bach/ • n. a quantity or consignment of goods produced at one time: a batch of cookies. ∎ inf. a number of things or people regarded as a group or set: a batch of hostile letters came. ∎  Comput. a group of records processed as a single unit, usually without input from a user.• v. [tr.] arrange (things) in sets or groups.


views updated May 11 2018


a group or collection of persons or things of the same kind, taken or made at the same time. See also lot, sort.

Examples: batch of beers [a brewing], 1713; of bread [quantity baked at one time], 1461; of letters [usually a bundle] 1782; of notes; of politics, 1840; of prize money, 1838; of soup, 1878; of visitors, 1793.


views updated May 23 2018

batch †process of baking; loaves produced at one baking XV; quantity or number coming at one time, set XVI. ME. bac(c)he :- OE. *bæċċe, f. bacan BAKE.