Wiater, Stanley

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WIATER, Stanley

WIATER, Stanley. American, b. 1953. Genres: Horror, Science fiction/ Fantasy, Film, Writing/Journalism, Documentaries/Reportage, Reference. Career: Freelance writer, 1975-; owner of corporation, ShadoWind Inc. Dark Dreamers, TV series, writer and host, 2001; keynote speaker. Publications: Dark Dreamers: Conversations with the Masters of Horror, 1990; The Official Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Treasury, 1991; Dark Visions: Conversations with the Masters of the Horror Film, 1992; (with S.R. Bissette) Comic Book Rebels: Conversations with the Creators of the New Comics, 1993; Mysteries of the Word, 1994; Dark Thoughts: On Writing, Advice and Commentary from Fifty Masters of Fear and Suspense, 1997; (with B. Gwinn) Dark Dreamers: Facing the Masters of Fear, 2001; (with C. Golden and H. Wagner) The Stephen King Universe, 2001. EDITOR: Night Visions 7, 1989; After the Darkness, 1993; Richard Matheson's The Twilight Zone Scripts, 1998; The Brian Lumley Companion, 2002. Also author of original scripts for comic books. Contributor to fiction anthologies and nonfiction texts and to Internet book-selling sites. Contributor to newspapers and magazines. Address: ShadoWind Inc., 381 Upper Rd, Deerfield, MA 01342-9741, U.S.A. Online address: www.StanleyWiater.com