Whitewash: The Clarence Brandley Story

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Whitewash: The Clarence Brandley Story ★★½ 2002 (R)

Black farmer Dan Brandley is shot to death in broad daylight on the main street of Conroe, Texas, in 1940. No one is ever brought to trial, even though his white killer is known. Forty years later, grandson Clarence Brandley discovers the murdered body of a white teenaged girl and learns that racism and corruption still hold sway. Clarence is tried, convicted, and sentenced to death. Now, his lawyer must prevent an innocent man's execution. 108m/C VHS . Courtney B. Vance, Gil Bellows, Eamonn Walker, Chuck Shamata, Richard Eden, Joseph Ziegler; D: Tony Bill; W: Abby Mann; C: Jean Lepine. CABLE