MonzÔ, Quim

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MONZÓ, Quim. (Joaquim). Spanish, b. 1952. Genres: Novellas/Short stories, Essays, Novels. Career: Novelist, journalist, and scriptwriter. Worked as a graphic artist, photo editor, and war correspondent. Publications: SHORT STORIES: (with B. Mesquida) Self-Service, 1977; Uf, va dir ell (title means: Oof, He Said), 1978; Olivetti, Moulinex, Chaffoteaux et Maury, 1980, trans. M.A. Newman as O'Clock, 1986; L'illa de Maians, 1985; El perquè de tot plegat (title means: The Why of It All), 1993; Guadalajara, 1996; Vuitanta-sis contes, 1999; El millor dels mons (title means: The Best of Worlds), 2001. ARTICLES: El dia del senyor, 1984; Zzzzzzzz, 1987; La maleta turca (title means: The Turkish Suitcase), 1990; Hotel Intercontinental, 1991; No plantaré cap arbre (title means: I Will Not Plant Any Tree), 1994; Del tot indefens davant dels hostils imperis alienígenes (title means: Completely Defenseless before Hostile Alien Empires), 1998; Tot és mentida (title means: It's All a Lie), 2000. NOVELS: L'udol del griso al caire de les clavegueres, 1976; Benzina (title means: Gasoline), 1983; La magnitud de la tragèdia, 1989. Translator of books into Spanish by R. Bradbury, J.D. Salinger, T. Hardy, M.W. Shelley. Contributor to books. Author of screenplays and radio play. Address: c/o Author Mail, Quaderns Crema, Ferran Valls I, Taberner 8, 8006 Barcelona, Spain.