Levy, Barrie

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LEVY, Barrie

LEVY, Barrie. American. Genres: Human relations/Parenting. Career: Therapist, consultant, and nonfiction author. Publications: NONFICTION: Skills for Violence-Free Relationships: Curriculum for Young People, Ages 13-18, 1984; (ed.) Dating Violence: Young Women in Danger, 1991; In Love and in Danger: A Teen's Guide to Breaking Free of Abusive Relationships, 1993; (with P.O. Giggans) What Parents Need to Know about Dating Violence, 1995; (with Giggans) 50 Ways to a Safer World, 1997. Address: c/o Seal Press, PMB 375, 300 Queen Anne Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109-4512, U.S.A.