Deal, Terrance E.

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DEAL, Terrance E.

DEAL, Terrance E. American, b. 1939. Genres: Education, Administration/Management, Institutions/Organizations, Novels, Novellas/Short stories, Human relations/Parenting, Humanities. Career: Stanford University, School of Education Stanford, Calif., lecturer 1972-76, assistant professor, 1976-77; Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., associate professor of education, 1977-83; Vanderbilt University, Peabody College, Nashville, Tenn., professor of education and human and organizational development, 1983-. Publications: (with J.V. Baldridge) Managing Change in Educational Organizations: Sociological Perspectives, Strategies, and Case Studies, 1975; (with R. Nolan) Alternative Schools: Ideologies, Realities, Guidelines, 1978; (with S.C. Nutt) Promoting, Guiding-and Surviving-Change in Small School Districts, 1979; (with J. Baldridge and C. Ingols) The Dynamics of Organizational Change in Education, 1983; (with J. Meyer, W. Scott, and B. Rowan) Organization Environment: Ritual and Rationality, 1983; (with L. Bolman) Modern Approaches to Understanding and Managing Organizations, 1984; (with K. Peterson) The Principal's Role in Shaping School Culture, 1990; (with L. Bolman) Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership, 1991; (with L. Bolman) The Path to School Leadership: A Portable Mentor, 1993; (with K. Peterson) The Paradoxical Manager, 1993; (with K. Peterson) The Leadership Paradox, 1994; (with L. Bolman) Becoming a Teacher Leader, 1994; (with W. Jenkins) Managing the Hidden Organization, 1994; (with L. Bolman and S. Rallis) Becoming a School Board Member, 1995; (with L. Bolman) Leading with Soul, 1995. Author of articles. Address: Peabody College, Vanderbilt University, Box 514 GPC, Nashville, TN 37203, U.S.A.