Cohen, Allan R(ay)

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COHEN, Allan R(ay)

COHEN, Allan R(ay). American, b. 1938. Genres: Business/Trade/Industry. Career: Harvard University, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, Ford Foundation research associate in the Philippines, 1961-62, Ford Foundation consultant in India, 1963-65; University of New Hampshire, Durham, assistant professor to J.L. Carter Professor of Management, 1966-82; Babson College, Babson Park, MA, professor, W. Carpenter Professor of Management, 1982-91, academic vice-president and dean of faculty, 1991-98, Edward A. Madden Distinguished Professor of Global Leadership, 1998-. Publications: Tradition, Change, and Conflict in Indian Family Business, 1974; (with S.L. Fink, H. Gadon, and Willits) Effective Behavior in Organizations, 1976, 7th ed. (with S.L. Fink), 2000; (with H. Gadon) Alternative Work Schedules, 1978; (with D.L. Bradford) Managing for Excellence, 1984; (with D.L. Bradford) Influence without Authority, 1990; (ed.) The Portable MBA in Management, 1993; (with D.L. Bradford) Power Up: Transforming Organizations through Shared Leadership, 1998. Address: Babson College, Babson Park, MA 02457, U.S.A.

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