Von Moltke, Freya (b. 1911)

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Von Moltke, Freya (b. 1911)

German anti-Nazi and memoirist. Name variations: Freya Deichmann. Born Freya Deichmann, 1911, in Germany; m. Count Helmuth James von Moltke (great-great nephew of Helmuth von Moltke, the German field marshal).

During WWII, husband was an anti-Nazi, even though he served in the German High Command, and did what he could to rescue Jews; served as hostess when husband had meetings at their farm in Kreisau with a cadre of resisters known as the "Kreisau Circle"; husband executed after his role in attempt to assassinate Hitler (Jan 1945); moved to Vermont; wrote Memories of Kreisau and the German Resistance (1998, published in English in US2004).

See also Letters to Freya.

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Von Moltke, Freya (b. 1911)

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