
views updated May 21 2018

per·il / ˈperəl/ • n. serious and immediate danger: his family was in peril| a setback to the state could present a peril to the regime. ∎  (perils) the dangers or difficulties that arise from a particular situation or activity: she first witnessed the perils of pop stardom a decade ago.• v. (per·iled, per·il·ing; Brit. per·illed, per·il·ling) [tr.] archaic expose to danger; threaten: Jonathon periled his life for love of David.PHRASES: at one's peril at one's own risk (used esp. in warnings): neglect our advice at your (or at) peril of very likely to incur or to suffer from: the movement is in peril of dying. ∎  at risk of losing or injuring: anyone linked with the Republican cause would be in peril of their life.


views updated Jun 27 2018

peril XIII. — (O)F. péril :— L. perīc(u)lum experiment, risk, f. *per- in experīrī try + -culum -CLE.
So perilous XIII. — OF. perillous, -eus (mod. périlleux) :— L. perīculōsus.


views updated May 14 2018


The designated contingency, risk, or hazard against which an insured seeks to protect himself or herself when purchasing a policy of insurance.

Among the various types of perils for which insurance coverage is available are fire, theft, illness, and death.