Tron, Giorgio (1884-1963)

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Tron, Giorgio (1884-1963)

Italian physician who studied parapsychology. Tron was born on September 12, 1884, in Turin, Italy. He studied at the University of Pavia (M.D., 1910; teaching diploma in hygiene, 1924). He was staff doctor at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Milan (1915-26), hygiene officer at Milan (1927-38), and director of the Instituto Sieroterapico Italiano, Naples (1940-53). Tron was a member of the Società Italiana di Parapsicologia and served as the society's secretary (1955-59).

In addition to his writings on medical subjects, Tron contributed articles to the Bulletin of the Società Italiana di Parapsicologia. He also wrote a chapter on unorthodox healing in the book Studia Parapsychologica (1956) and on physical mediumistic phenomena in Nuovi Problemi di Metapsichica (1953). He died February 5, 1963, in Rome.


Pleasants, Helene, ed. Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology. New York: Helix Press, 1964.

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