Solar Systems (in Theosophy)

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Solar Systems (in Theosophy)

Theosophy has presented a unique perspective on the formation of solar systems. It postulates the existence of an all pervading ether (a popular concept of nineteenth-century science, later discarded), known as koilon, which is imperceptible to ordinary senses and indeed even to clairvoyants except the most highly-developed. It is considered dense despite its diffusion.

The Deity, intending to create a universe, invests this ether with divine force to become matter in the shape of minute drops or bubbles and the universe with its solar systems is formed. First, a mass is aggregated by the appropriate agitation of these drops and added to this mass is a rotatory motion. The formed mass contains the matter to create all the seven worlds. It may be possible to observe that these worlds are not separate in the manner we usually conceive separate worlds to be, but interpenetrate each other.

The substance in its original form is the texture of the first world and to create the texture of the second-and lower-world, the Deity sets up numerous rotatory agitations to collect 49 atoms arranged in a certain way, sufficient for the first atom to form the first world.

This process continues six times, the atoms of the succeeding lower worlds are formed from the world immediately higher and each time with a multiple of forty-nine atoms. Gradually, and with time, the aggregation containing the atoms of all seven worlds completely intermingled, contracts until it forms a nebula with the flat, circular form familiar to astronomy students.

The center is more dense than the fringes. During the process of flattening and due to the initial revolving motion, rings are formed encircling the center. From these rings the planets are formed and later these planets can support human life.

The various worlds penetrate each other substantially within the same bounds, with the exception being the worlds of finer texture that extend beyond those relatively more dense. The names of the worlds are: first, the Divine World, which has not yet been experienced by man; second, the Monadic whence come the impulses that form human beings; third, the Spiritual World, which is the highest world humans have experienced; fourth, the Intuitional World; fifth, the Mental World; sixth, the Emotional or Astral World; and seventh is the world of matter familiar to us.

Some of these worlds are referred to in other entries as: Adi or Divine plane; Anupadaka plane (see Monad ); Atmic, Nirvanic, or Spiritual plane; and Buddhic or Intuitional plane.

(See also Evolution of Life )


Jinarajadasa, C. The Early Teachings of the Masters. Chicago: Theosophical Society, 1923.

Leadbeater, C. W. A Textbook of Theosophy. Adyar, Madras, India: Theosophical Publishing House, 1956.