Psychosynthesis Institute

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Psychosynthesis Institute

A facility founded to promote the psychotherapeutic approach of Roberto Assagiolo, a psychiatrist who attempted to integrate theosophical ideas, especially those of Alice A. Bailey, into his psychotherapeutic work. Basic concepts in psycho-synthesis include the supraconscious (a higher unconscious, source of meaning and purpose in life), the Self and the will.

Essentially psychosynthesis is a psychological and educational method of harmonizing one's relationship to environment through inner integration and synthesis. This involves a continuing process of expanding self-awareness and higher consciousness, leading from the personal to the transpersonal or universal. The approach varies according to the needs of the individual and the most suitable way of releasing inner guidance, combining the methods of psychology and spiritual disciplines.

The institute offered theoretical and practical training for professionals and concerned individuals, as well as supporting research on psychosynthesis. Last known addresses: High Point Foundation, 647 N. Madison Ave., Pasadena, CA 91101, and Nan Clark Ln., Mill Hill, London, NW7, England.


Assagioli, Roberto. The Act of Will. New York: Viking Penguin, 1973.

. Psychosynthesis: A Manual of Principles and Techniques. New York: Viking Penguin, 1971.