Krafft, Karl Ernst (1900-1945)

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Krafft, Karl Ernst (1900-1945)

Swiss astrologer of German descent born May 10, 1900 who was employed by the Nazis for propaganda work during World War II. He participated in tests by the German parapsychologist Hans Bender in 1937 upon moving to Germany. Krafft had formerly conducted an ambitious statistical investigation of cosmic influences on individuals and developed his own system of "typocosmy." His book Traité d'Astro-Biologie was printed in Brussels in 1939.

Krafft was introduced to the German Propaganda Ministry by C. Loog, another astrologer, who had worked on interpretations of the famous Nostradamus prophecies. Krafft's proGerman edition of Nostradamus was used for psychological warfare, and Krafft himself became highly regarded after he made a successful prediction of the attempt on Hitler's life November 9, 1939, in Munich. In fact, this prophecy was so remarkable that Krafft was at first interrogated by the Gestapo, who thought he might have had a hand in the plot.

After the 1941 flight of Rudolf Hess to Britain, many astrologers and occultists in Germany were arrested, including Krafft, who was imprisoned for a year. After his release he again worked for the German Propaganda Ministry, interpreting horoscopes of leaders of the Allies in a manner favorable to Germany. However, he was arrested again in 1943 and sent to Oranienburg concentration camp. He died January 8, 1945, on the way to Buchenwald.


Howe, Ellie. Astrology and Psychological Warfare during World War II. London: Rider, 1972.