Hooper, T. d'Aute (ca. 1910)

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Hooper, T. d'Aute (ca. 1910)

Extraordinary British medium of the early twentieth century. Although a busy physician in Birmingham, England, Hooper was also credited with a wide range of psychic phenomena, physical and mental.

Hooper's Indian control, "Segaske" (Rising Sun), produced scents and apports. An Indian fakir demonstrated the fire test, made articles appear and vanish in daylight, and spoke in Hindustani. A deceased Chicago preacher, calling himself "Ajax," and many other frequent spirit visitors produced direct voice manifestations and psychic photography.

In the anonymously published Spirit Psychometry and Trance Communications by Unseen Agencies through a Welsh Woman and Dr. T. d'Aute Hooper (1914) the medium recorded important investigations in psychometry.


Henslow, George. The Proofs of the Truths of Spiritualism. London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner; New York: E. P. Dutton, 1919.