
views updated Jun 27 2018

a·nal·y·sis / əˈnaləsis/ • n. (pl. -ses / -ˌsēz/ ) detailed examination of the elements or structure of something, typically as a basis for discussion or interpretation: an analysis of popular culture. ∎  the process of separating something into its constituent elements.Often contrasted with synthesis. ∎  the identification and measurement of the chemical constituents of a substance or specimen. ∎  short for psychoanalysis. ∎ Linguistics the use of separate, short words and word order rather than inflection or agglutination to express grammatical structure. ∎  Math. the part of mathematics concerned with the theory of functions and the use of limits, continuity, and the operations of calculus.


views updated May 23 2018

analysis (ă-nal-i-sis) n. (in psychology) any means of understanding complex mental processes or experiences. See also psychoanalysis.