Taubes, Ḥayyim Ẓevi

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TAUBES, ḤAYYIM ẒEVI (1900–1966), rabbi and scholar. Born in Chernelitsa, Ukraine, Taubes served as rabbi in Odesburg, at the Pasmaniten Temple in Vienna – lecturing also at the teachers' seminary – and in Zurich, Switzerland. In 1965 he settled in Israel. A pupil of H.P. *Chajes, Taubes was an ardent Zionist from his youth and prominent in the Mizrachi movement.

Among his published works are Lebendiges Judentum (1946); Ha-Nasi ba-Sanhedrin ha-Gedolah (1925); Likkutei Yiẓḥak ibn Ghayyat (1952), an annotated edition of a work by the 11th-century Spanish talmudist; and Ma'amad Hakhel be-Tifarto (1953). Taubes edited the geonic material on the tractate Sanhedrin in his Oẓar ha-Ge'onim al Massekhet Sanhedrin (1966).

His son jacob taubes (1923– ), historian of religion, was born in Vienna, and became professor of Jewish studies and the sociology of religion at the Free University of West Berlin in 1959.

He published Abendlaendische Eschatologie (1948), Psychoanalysis and the Future (1957), and Religious Experience and Truth (ed. S. Hook, 1961), and edited the Review of Religion (1957–60), and the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (from 1961).