Romano of Rome

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Dominican theologian; d. before May 28, 1273. Born of the noble Orsini family, he was a younger brother of Cardinal Matthew, nephew of the future nicholas iii, and cousin of Latino Malabranca. He probably entered the order in Rome and was later sent to Paris in 1266 to complete his theological studies. One sermon of his is dated Feb. 6, 1267. He studied under thomas aquinas during the latter's second regency at Paris. He read the Sentences under Aquinas from 1270 to 1272, and succeeded him as master in 1272. From his unedited commentary on the Sentences it is evident that Romano was influenced by others besides St. Thomas, notably by St. bonaventure, hannibaldus de hannibaldis, and robert kilwardby; he did not follow Aquinas, for example, in repudiating the Augustinian thesis of divine illumination. He in turn influenced giles of rome and john (quidort) of Paris.

Bibliography: p. glorieux, Répertoire des maîtres en théologie de Paris au XIIIe siècle (Paris 193334) 1:129. j. quÉtif and Échard, Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum, 5 v. (Paris 171923); continued by r. coulon (Paris 1909); repr. 2 v. in 4 (New York 1959) 1.1:263264. g. santinello, Enciclopedia filosofica, 4 v. (VeniceRome 1957) 4:186. j. beumer, "Romanus de Roma, O.P., und seine theologische Einleitungslehre," Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 25 (Louvain 1958) 329351.

[p. glorieux]