Nethanel of Chinon

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NETHANEL OF CHINON , French tosafist of the first half of the 13th century. Nethanel is mentioned several times in the standard tosafot (e.g., Beẓah 3a) and is probably identical with the Nethanel and the Nethanel ha-Kadosh ("the saint"–so called because of his piety and not because of his having died a martyr's death) mentioned in Shitah Mekubbeẓet (bk 18a; Men. 7a). *Jehiel of Paris approached Nethanel with a problem and was directed by him to Isaac b. Todros, his older contemporary (Resp. Maharik 102). *Samuel of Evreux turned to him with halakhic problems (Mordekhai, Ḥul. 681). Nethanel's fellow townsman *Samson of Coucy made abundant use of his teaching in his Sefer ha-Keritut (Constantinople, 1516). Nethanel b. Joseph of Chinon, younger brother of Eliezer of Chinon, the author of several piyyutim, was probably a grandson of this Nethanel.


A.M. Habermann, Shirei ha-Yiḥud ve-ha-Kavod (1948), 73–85; Urbach, Tosafot, index s.v.Nethanel mi-Kinon.

[Israel Moses Ta-Shmaʾ]